Dedication and Sacrifice at Blessed Be Workshop

Dedication and Sacrifice at Blessed Be Workshop

Blessed Be’s beautiful handicraft are made in our workshop in Da Nang, Vietnam by our Spirit-filled, God-loving artisans, whose love for creating beautiful things and passion to bring God’s love into home can be seen in every details of each Blessed Be board.

The hard work, sacrifice, sweat and tear that our workmen put into making these beautiful handicrafts are truly inspiring. One of our artisan, Khiem, lost his eyesight while making one of his board. He gave his eyesight so someone else might see the Light of God. The tragic accident took place in April 2020 when Khiem was saw sitting a frame. A piece of pinewood broke off and flew directly toward Khiem’s eye. It shattered the protective eye gear and the young man’s right eye.

Nonetheless, the Lord has been gracious, and He is (and still) working His miraculously healing on Khiem’s right eye. The doctor reported that he would never be able to see again with one of his eye, the vision would be 1 / 100 on this eye.

Praise be to God! Disregard the doctor report, Khiem is slowly gaining his vision. He can see with a 60/100 vision on his right eye. Khiem is still a long way from full recovery and we would appreciate your prayers for Blessed Be precious workman.

Blessed Be received many kind compliments from our customers praising the quality of our products. We are thankful that the Lord reserves us while we serve you in bringing the beautiful word of God into your homes.

We praise God for the supports from many of our pre-believing friends. One of our pre-believing customers bought a board to encourage her Christian friend who was grieving the lost of his loved one. The Sunday after receiving her Blessed Be board, she started to visit a church with her Christian friend. We pray and believe that our Blessed Be products will continue to touch lives and make a difference.

Please continue to support our mission by purchasing our products and pray for us. Your precious prayers of protection for Blessed Be team and healing for Khiem is much needed and appreciated.

“Then your light will break out like the dawn, And your healing will quickly spring forth; Your righteousness will go before you, The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.”

~ Isaiah 58:5

Take a sneak peek at our workshop in Da Nang, Vietnam and see how our handicrafts are created in this clip