THE STORY OF BLESSED BE – Chapter Five: Tragedy and Restoration

THE STORY OF BLESSED BE – Chapter Five: Tragedy and Restoration

It is not written in the Scripture that all things are good. Instead, it says this…  “All things work together for good for those who love God and those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) 

This is a story of restoration by God’s grace. It began when Blessed Be founder, Yen, was expecting her newest addition, a baby girl. Back then (2016), Yen and her husband were already parents to one lovely boy. During a regular check-up just nine days before Yen’s scheduled C-section delivery, their gynaecologist found that he could no longer locate the baby’s heartbeat.

Upon hearing the doctor’s report, Yen & her husband gathered all their strength and together hope that God would save their baby. Praying and believing in a miracle, they called up friends in America, Vietnam and Malaysia, including the saints of their local church to pray alongside them. Without a shadow of a doubt, Yen trusted that the God she served was going to perform a BIG miracle for her little family.Her miracle did not happen EXACTLY the way she wanted. After the operation, upon waking up from anesthesia, Yen found out that her faith did not work, her hope in her God did not pay off and her prayer was left unanswered. Her baby did not make it. The God she serves did not move on her behalf. She was crushed and broken up inside.  In this strange journey of grief, Yen discovered that life doesn’t throw you a curve ball and then leave you alone. When you find yourself in the pit of depression and self-pity, life goes on. Kids still cry and demand your undivided attention, and dinner has to be served. Your nagging boss at work will continue issuing out order after order, and the house certainly isn’t going to start cleaning itself. (Sounds unfair, right?!) Many a time, the enemy tries to rob us of our faith, but God’s love for us remains steadfast. 

After her miscarriage, Yen decided not to be angry at the Man Upstairs (how Yen often refers to God!), and instead began to pursue His peace. In her darkest days of sorrow, God’s Word and His presence became her only source of life and hope. And so the Lord graciously preserved Yen, and went on to bless her family with two more beautiful babies. Today, Yen is still in her journey of faith & healing, but she is thankful to have come this far.

Blessed Be is Yen’s fifth baby. On 07.07.2020, she gave birth to her fourth child, Jaelyn, a precious baby girl. Shortly after, she started Blessed Be in September 2020, which she jokingly refers to as Jaelyn’s twin sister.

In founding Blessed Be, Yen hopes that her beautiful handicrafts will become a source of strength and comfort to anyone who has lost someone or something they have dearly loved. Her message is that while we might not have an answer to every situation, we do have an Almighty God. His Word is what holds us together as we walk through every tapestry of life.You can support Blessed Be’s mission by sharing our story and purchasing our products. We truly hope our story inspires you, and the lives of those around you. 

“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvellous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”

~ Psalms 139:13-14