THE STORY OF BLESSEDBE – Chapter Three: Home Away From Home

THE STORY OF BLESSEDBE – Chapter Three: Home Away From Home

Selling books door-to-door was tough. Rejections hit hard in Yen’s face on a daily basis: Slammed doors, critical words, thirst and hunger went unnoticed. Head-to-toe in beads of perspiration, sweaty shirt walked under 43-degree-Celsius scorching summer heat. There were days when she did not feel like doing anything, she just WANTED to kick her feet in the air and stare at the fan all day. Nevertheless, Yen was up at seven in the morning, drove an hour to the field to knock on doors, shirt sweaty and stomach growling. Again and again. Day after Day. But God was there. And He GAVE strength.

One dreadful day, there were a super mean human who cursed and shouted from his room to the open door: “Get out of my house! Stay away!” Rejection broke her down in tears. In order to remind herself not to give up (and prove that she could do it), she knocked the next door with tears swelling in her eyes (no Kleenex in reach!) Diligence and fervency led to her success. But the favor of God brought Yen to the right people. She met many men and women of God who accepted, embraced, welcomed and most importantly, PRAYED for her.

People rejection was easy but self rejection was tough.

The toughest part of her job was not the occasional nasty people, nor walking and driving under the scorching heat, nor the rumbling stomach at dinner time. The toughest part was looking through someone’s window seeing: Smiles and chatter, Food and Laughter, Families gathered around dining tables. Children on the floor playing. Relative folks chilled out on sofas. Family having a good time. The toughest part was being AWAY FROM HOME. Fortunately, God was always there. He was a Friend when she needed a listening ear. He was a Father wiping away her tears. He was a Loving Companion when she was all alone. Even though she did not know God nor came to Him.

All of us are home, but away from our true HOME, the one upstairs.

“Wealth and honour come from You; You are the ruler of all things. In Your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all” —-1 Chronicles 29:12