THE STORY OF BLESSEDBE – Chapter Two: Recognition and Success OR Love and Acceptance

THE STORY OF BLESSEDBE – Chapter Two: Recognition and Success OR Love and Acceptance

In the hot summers of 2004 to 2008, on the trail of the bible belt down South, Yen was selling Thomas Nelson bibles and educational books door-to-door. Armed with her ever-ready pearly white smile and down-to-earth sincerity, Yen often met with wide-open doors, friendly kitchens (say hello to fried chicken and corn bread), couches to lie down for a nap, big warm bone-crushing hugs from customers and a shelter away from the piercing hot summer heat.

There were times when Yen ran into some not-so-nice humans (who probably got out of bed on the the wrong side!) Doors slamming in her face instead of wide-open ones, dogs chasing her into the car instead of friendly kitchens, cursings and swearings instead of warm bear hugs. But it did not matter. It could not stop her. God was in charge. He was always in the center of control of her life whether she acknowledged Him or not.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord”
Psalms 27:14